Saturday, November 26, 2011

Craigsanquhar to Kedlock Feus

Route Points: Logie Road, Denbrae, Kedlock Feus
Route Type: Path
Access Type: Land Reform Act

Route Access:
Logie Road: On the logie road there is a pair of corners describable as 90 Left followed by 90 Right. The access is through the gate at the corner of the 2 nearest Logie.

Denbrae: At Denbrae Farm there is a farm road leading towards the path on the Logie side of the shed. This lands you in the middle of the route

Kedlock Feus: At the Kedlock Feus Public road junction the trail leads off opposite the Feus road.

From the Logie end go through the gate off the road and follow the trail round to the left, this can be overgrown or sticky, this will eventually lead to the junction with the farm road from Denbrae, and on to the road at Kedlock Feus again on a path.


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